Beyond knowledge, I have always valued the learning process.
This is what I call education.
As a full-time postgraduate researcher of International Development with specific emphasis on social business enterprises, I dug into the complex but interesting world of commercial and social businesses, ST-based industries, corporate responsibility, and markets, and their links to government, development circles, and communities.
As a member of the education and human resource development seminar cluster, I actively engaged in academic discussions that go into the nexus among education, skills development, and work. I also took key courses relevant to understanding development such as public policy, poverty reduction strategies, and development sociology
More than the acquired knowledge in Advanced Social and International Studies conducted through rigorous academic research in labor migration, youth issues, and higher education, active engagement with fellow students from across the world opened virtual windows that exposed me to a vast array of cultures and ideas. Cross-cultural activities (music, food, dance and so on) with students from the Atlantic to the Pacific were truly beneficial in helping me learn a lot about harmonious co-existence between people from diverse backgrounds.
The Master in International Studies (MIS) program "provides students with an understanding of contemporary international society, including the forces that shape and transform it." As a student of IS, I wanted to better understand contemporary international problems and issues, and make wise use of the knowledge and skills to practically respond to real-world challenges.
As an educator, my acquired knowledge in the MIS program provided me with opportunities to link theories and concepts to cross-cultural understanding especially in a diverse community of administrators, teachers, and young learners. The classroom is a tiny example of how the manner in which people communicate with each other significantly influences the results of their collective goals and interests
Bachelor of Arts
Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
Having a humanities background is like wearing an extra pair of lenses. With one's naked eyes, an individual sees either only the beauty and comfort of convenience or the ugly realities of a perilous and decaying world. Humanities did not only equipped with the skills to observe and analyze real-world challenges, but also helped me appreciate the plethora of prospects to address them.
With my degree in Philippine Studies and Public Administration, I have learned to adopt "an interdisciplinary approach in the study of society and culture, with special emphasis on language, literature, and history" as well as perspectives in politics and governance.
Humanities students can contribute to having a broader understanding of social issues. Soft skills, acquired in the humanities, are becoming more essential l in an increasingly innovative global context.
Professional Teaching Certificate
The PTC is a year-long professional certification program for non-BS Education degree holders who endeavor to teach in secondary schools.